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Postdoc Positions

When postdoc positions are available in the group, they will be advertised on this website and the AAS jobs website. Below, some other potential funding opportunties are listed. However, we are in principle always looking for motivated and ambitious researchers. Therefore, if you are interested in joining the Forming Worlds Lab, please do reach out.

Funding Opportunities for Postdoc Positions

In some cases, national and international institutions or grant agencies, the University of Groningen, or ministries of education and research of specific countries support postdoc projects and research stays in the Netherlands.

For example, the following websites can help in finding funding opportunities that may apply to you when from outside the Netherlands:

Within the Netherlands, the national science foundation (NWO) supports independent postdoctoral projects through the NWO Veni Fellowship. The European Commission supports postdoctoral projects through the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions. Both opportunities are open to researchers of any nationality. Deadlines for these two funding schemes are typically in mid- to late summer.


If you are interested in applying to such an opening for a postdoc position in our group, please get in touch as soon as possible, at minimum 4–5 months ahead of any upcoming application deadline.


Employment Conditions

Officially advertised postdoc positions are paid according to the Collective Labour Agreement (CAO) for Dutch Universities (salary tables). Employment conditions at the University of Groningen, including benefits and holiday allowances, are outlined at:

Forming Worlds Lab  Kapteyn Astronomical Institute  University of Groningen
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